This article points out the scary reality of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD. When returning home from a warzone, where a person’s adrenaline is constantly at a raised level for several months, it is difficult for soldiers to readjust to reality. When e
xposed to something stressful, the normal psychological defenses are raised to an abnormal level and when it is constantly raised, it takes a while to return to normal. In 2007, PTSD was twice more likely to be diagnosed to servicemen than just the year before. The sad part is that the U.S. government doesn’t seem to be doing enough to help the soldiers with their recovery process. There were several things that caught my eye with this article. The first was the fact that it had to do with psychology which is a subject that I really enjoy. However, the main thing that caught my eye was how the author wrote the story. Even though it was an AP wire story, it had the feel of a feature article in the way the story jumped around. Nearly one-third of the story was devoted to an anecdote to set the scene for the rest of the article. The anecdote not only provided some context but it made the reader want to understand why the author was telling the story. This story is just one of many in the growing problem of mental illness among military veterans.

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